Tuesday, October 10, 2006

MySpace bans

(1) MySpace bans you when you piss other MySpace users off. *If* you are banned, you'll go to log in, and it'll just return you to the login screen. No "You've been deleted" or whatever notice - just can't login, account is gone... The most common way for a profile to get banned is to send out spammy messages - promo messages - to other MySpace users. When they read that message in their MySpace "inbox," there a little link right above it to "Flag as Spam." Once a few people hit you for that, your account is gone.(2) Some new accounts (opened in the last 3 months or so) have problems sending out messages. The messages look like they're sent, but the recipient never gets them. There's a bunch of threads on this at the MySpace forums, and the owrd is they're working on fixing it. It effects even regular users, and it seems random, so IF you want to send messages, you'll just have to open a lot of accounts. Keeping in mind that some won't even send messages so teh recipient actually sees them, and some will be deleted once the messages are sent (flagged as spam, see #1 above) - you'll be making more then a few mySpace accounts.(3) That all said, messaging is, BY FAR, the best way to reach individuals on MySpace. An affiliate of mine is making a full-time income promoting my software via messages. It's a numbers game, of course.(4) Comments are an excellent way to promote an offer and/or get backlinks to your own site(s). Not only does the owner of the profile see the comment, but all their friends who visit their page do too. Get some comments on high-profile pages, and you're in business. To do this, make your comment have something of value to the profile owner (i.e. a funny pic) in addition to your link or promo - they'll be more likely to leave it on their page.(5) The quality of/response to bulletins on an account depends on WHERE the friends of the account came from. You could have an account that's all "real" people and they'll respond to/take the time to read your bulletins exponentially more then those accounts who's friends are made of other "whores" and "promoters." But getting a profile with friends who are real, normal users takes a lot longer, as they want to know who you are, why you want to add them as a friend, etc. So it's quantity v. quality - I go for quantity, as I don't have the time or inclination to do otherwise.(6) MySpace is changing A LOT of their code right now (within the past week, really, and more code changes are coming through daily) - say any bot that runs on MySpace will need some huge changes to their coding and end users will experience some wonky things until updates are out.
MichelleBadder Adder - MySpace Friend Adder


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