Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Spam'n and Jam'n on mySpace - Experiment Results - WOW!

As a follow up to this thread:http://www.earnersforum.com/showthread.php?t=1408
We decided to be a bit more scientific than the Underpants Gnome web 1.0 methodology and actually have a plan.Phase 1. Build WebsitePhase 2. ????Phase 3. Profit!!Just doesn't cut it any more in the Web 2.0 worldQuestion:How much money can be made sending out bulletin messages to random mySpace users?Phase One:Build ProfileA profile is created of a fictional user.Adderbot is used to send out random 'Add me to your friends' requests.100's of requests are sent out daily over a few month period.Build the profile to have approx 5000 'friends'.Profile demographics targetted to 18-25 yr old males.Phase Two:Create OfferWe choose an offer from the Azoogle CPA Network (See my Sig for Link).We directed the traffic through my domain so that we can track unique clicks, user agents, IPs, timestamps and actions.http://www.ChickenHole.com/ppc/index.php?CampaignID=37The offer is for a 'Free iPod Nano'.We get paid ONLY if the user enters their email address into the form. What they do beyond there makes no difference to us. 99% will not complete the requirements to actually GET an iPod. But we don't care, we just want them to complete step one. The payout is $1.40 per email address submitted.The Bulletin was as follows:Subject: WOW!!! THIS IS SO EASY!!!Body: Anyone with a MySpace account can get a FREE iPod just by entering your email address into this form!!!" CLICK HERE!!!Message was sent at approx. 6 PM Friday night. It is now 10 AM Tuesday morning.Phase Three:PROFIT!!!Results...93 Unique Clicks - 1.86% CTR - Clicks came mostly on Sat and Sun evenings26 Conversions - 28.26% Conversion Rate$36.40 in Revenue - -WooHoo! Let's head down to the [strike]Ferrari[/strike] Vespa Dealership!So my original prediction turned out fairly accurate:http://www.earnersforum.com/showthre...2888#post12888
But I'll say we get a 3% CTR on the 5000 msgs = 150 and a 15-20% conversion on those = 22-30 at $1.40 so we'll make $30-$40. Comments? Questions? Areas for improvement? Tips on how to turn that $36 into $3600 (besides doing it 100x over)?
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