Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Myspace, or not myspace?

Myspace, or not myspace?

Posted by Svenyboy

Oh, the quandary. Myspace seems to be completely unavoidable. Everyone everywhere has a myspace account, peddling everything from tawdry everyday waffle to viagra and super-sized condoms (that seems to be everywhere nowadays, too). So, this week, apart from the usual running around like a mad thing, I have been contemplating finally getting my shit together and getting a myspace of my own. This is a big decision for me for two reasons:
1) Why bother? Maybe I’m getting old, but I don’t know what a myspace site would do for me. Would it make me an intenet celebrity, with thousands of people clamouring to become my friend immediately? Or would it just be another thing I have to remember a password for? Myspace, in my head at least, is a place for lust-riddled teenagers to post photos of themselves with their shirts off, and chat suggestively with more of the same. Maybe I’ve got it all wrong. Reputable bands seem to launch stuff on there (not necessarily a recommendation in itself, especially if your target audience IS lust-riddled teenagers), celebs seem to chronicle their lives on there, and allow the unworthy masses to become their virtual friends - people who, were they to meet in real life, would probably pose a real security risk. Myspace is the celebrity bodyguard’s wet dream. No danger of taking a bullet online, is there? How does the ‘Friend’ thing work anyway? People register as a friend and then do what? Why would they want to be my friend in the first place? Would I have to be their friend back? Would they ditch me if I didn’t?
2) Rupert Murdoch owns it. I don’t know him personally, but I pretty much can’t stand anything that man stands for, and if I indirectly make the man who owns Fox richer, then I will feel pretty shit about myself for a while and have to do something to offset the damage I do to the world. Maybe I’ll campaign for Stonewall or something as a penance.
I like Wordpress. I like having my little blog and setting out how I like, talking about whatever I like and making my own little website. Myspace seems a bit proscriptive to me - sure you can change the wallpaper and shuffle things around, but it’s still a myspace page like all the others. Wordpress is no different, but it just feels better to me. I just don’t like the look of Myspace. Also, it doesn’t work that well with Safari, which is a bit of a pain in the ass for me, since I use Safari for everything, pretty much. Maybe I should forget about myspace and get iLife instead. But then I would have to change my url again! Oh, it’s all so confusing!! Somedays don’t you just long for good old pen and paper!?
Next week: Big gay weekend. Oh yes, hitting the Q/- and various other routes with friends. They already have the stripper pole, now all I just have to convince them of the value of a big disco fan!


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